Experienced Professional

To be able to do the two things I love most – cooking and photography as a combined full time gig, is without a doubt a blessing. I am chasing my lion. I am having fun, traveling and experiencing new things on a day to day basis. This has given me a greater sense of appreciation and a heightened awareness of the things that are really important – time, health and most of all my family. Saying good by to traditional employment, corporate mismanagement and someone else’s bottom line has been liberating. Is it scary at times? Hell yes, but I am more alive, more focused and saying yes to me isn’t just a phrase it has become a lifestyle. If you are contemplating a change and just want to chat, reach out. I would love to hear your story.

Conquering Fears

Adventure Seeker

As a little girl growing up with a fisherman for a dad, we were at or on a lake or river all the time. I watched my dad, who could not swim, climb down an embankment during a flash flood on a river to rescue a little girl that was hanging on to some tall grass. I knew he couldn’t swim. It was one of the scariest things to witness. At one point we had to get back to safety. The water was rising so fast. For a few minutes we had lost site of my dad. Not knowing if he was still just below the bank or had been swept away was a terrible place to be. After a few minutes he was able to securely hold on to the little girl and pull them both to safety. I lived with the fear of rivers from that day back in the 70’s to June of 2018 when I boarded a raft in Glacier National Park to finally kick the fear out for good. Oh, I still have a healthy respect for the river, but I no longer fear the river.

Fly Fishing

Trying Something New

In July of 2019 I had a chance to go to Alaska and photograph the beautiful Brown Bears, or as they are also called the Grizzly. We flew into Lake Clark National Park and spent 6 days up close and personal with the bears. On our last day, I opted to take a lesson in Salmon fly fishing on the river near our cabin. I was intrigued by the whole process, especially as a gal who had grown up with a fishing pole in her hand. Who had been taught to fillet a walleye with the best of them and to bait her own hook with every imaginable kind of bait, How hard could it be. After a few attempts and a few missed salmon, I was able to get the process down and managed to bag a dozen or so for the morning.


Exploring Glacier National Park

Every year I try hard to sneak away and spend some time reconnecting to nature. This can be anywhere. However, when I can get to the mountains, I jump on the opportunity. The photo ops are endless, that’s a given. Wildlife, is guaranteed. I might not know who or what might show up, but there is always something. It’s the time I spend however off grid, totally connected to nature that restores my energy, sense of self and commitment to conservation. Just simply being one with God’s world.